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Why You Need To Be Careful With Your Rare Earth Magnets

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Rare earth magnets are some of the strongest magnets you can find on the market today, and they are used in many different industries, from manufacturing to automotive. If you are considering using rare earth magnets to cut down on costs and increase your efficiency, then you are definitely on the right track. The only issue can be with how people new to rare earth magnets handle them. Rare earth magnets are not like other magnets and require a lot more thought before you start using them to ensure they remain in good working order for a long time to come.

Always Order The Exact Size You Need

Unlike other magnets, rare earth magnets are quite fragile and cannot really be adjusted once they have been created. The metal in them that is magnetised is extremely brittle and can break apart if it is filed down or adjusted in any way. That is why you need to get your order exactly right when buying rare earth magnets because it is virtually impossible to change it later on. The last thing you want is to try to fit your magnet into its needed spot, only to find it is far too big and now useless for your purposes. 

Corrosion Care

Neodymium magnets are a lot more prone to corrosion than other metals, but their strength is so valuable that most companies simply work around this. As long as you are prepared to combat any humidity or exposure concerts for your rare earth magnets, then there will not be a problem. If you don't look after your rare earth magnets, and instead you let them contact water and get exposed to the rain and sun, then do not be surprised if they lose their potency rather quickly. They are delicate components that need to be handled wisely if you want them to last!


Another potential downside (remember, as long as you put precautions in place all of these issues can be handled with ease) is that rare earth magnets susceptibility to heat. While other, larger magnets that have less polarity are not really affected by heat too much, rare earth magnets will start to lose their efficiency the higher the temperature gets. This doesn't start at normal room temperatures, but in machinery, there is potential for heat to reach over 80 degrees Celsius, at which point you cannot really rely on rare earth magnets as you would in other circumstances. 
