Project Planning: How to Work With Multiple Businesses

Is Screen Printing an Ideal Branding Technique for Your Business's Workwear?

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Being an entrepreneur means constantly searching for ways to set your brand apart from your competitors while simultaneously garnering loyalty from the public. At the outset, this can seem like a delicate balancing act, but in truth, there are seemingly small improvements you can make that will have a major impact on how the public perceives your business. And one such improvement is branding your employees’ workwear with your company’s logo. Read More»

Why You Need To Be Careful With Your Rare Earth Magnets

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Rare earth magnets are some of the strongest magnets you can find on the market today, and they are used in many different industries, from manufacturing to automotive. If you are considering using rare earth magnets to cut down on costs and increase your efficiency, then you are definitely on the right track. The only issue can be with how people new to rare earth magnets handle them. Rare earth magnets are not like other magnets and require a lot more thought before you start using them to ensure they remain in good working order for a long time to come. Read More»

Is your grease filter a fire risk?

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If you operate a commercial kitchen then you will understand the critical role that safety plays in everything that happens in that kitchen. With studies showing that the majority of restaurant fires start in the kitchen, it is important to ensure that you take every possible step to minimise the risks posed by your equipment as well as by your operating procedures. Having a properly functioning kitchen exhaust system is the best way to minimise the fumes in the room, however, without a working grease filter, the amount of vaporised grease in exhaust ducts can quickly become dangerous. Read More»

Vital Statistics When Shopping For A Diesel-Driven Hot Water Pressure Washer

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A diesel-driven hot water pressure washer is a complicated piece of equipment, with many components required to provide water at the high pressures and temperatures your require. As such, it can be difficult when shopping around to know what to look for in terms of washer features and capacity. Luckily, the process is not as complex as it may appear at first – pay the greatest amount of attention to the following statistics and you shouldn’t go far wrong when choosing a washer suitable for your needs. Read More»

Getting new keys cut for old internal door locks

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Many old houses have beautiful internal locks on doors, but it many cases these keys have been lost over the years. Luckily, it’s relatively easy to get new keys cut for these locks, and in many cases, all of the house locks will be keyed alike so a single key should work throughout the home.  Here are the steps involved.  Remove the locks The locksmith will come to the house and will usually remove a lock. Read More»